They say: seize the moment! Embrace the sky, the sun, the stars! Think positive! Thank the Universe! And yet how many of you tried, but it’s as if the mind had to obey a command? They don’t perceive the truth of it. Something else is stirring inside.
Positive thinking exists. A positive attitude exists. But it only works when it is felt as a truth. When you have that glow inside you, that point of light that expands into everything and clears everything. That warms everything. But what happens when inside you there is only the cold light of the Moon?
Each of us carries a place inside, a cold area where ancient memories live that rest or stir in the dim light of the unconscious.
The light of the Hermit illuminates this dark night. But it is still not enough to spread warmth and clarity in his depths. That is, in his unconscious. The Light that spreads from his Consciousness is still cold and pale like that of a partial eclipse. It is not yet the Powerful Light of the Sun.
Yet the Hermit does not hesitate to use that pale light that he has within and which is in any case the fruit of a long path of growth, and he concentrates his Consciousness within himself to see what is stirring inside him. Past memories, old worries, sedimented fears, angers never processed. He does it in an even-handed, detached, patient way. He does nothing but look inside himself. Nothing else. And with the simple act of looking inside, things move. They emerge from the well. And, although hesitant and uncertain, they set out towards the path of their transformation. These sometimes go back, they want to dive back into the pool. Frightened by the dangers they encounter on the road. Deep down, the instinct suggests to us with persistent conviction that it would be better not to stir the waters, that what we have inside, once put out, will make us feel bad. Instinct perceives the danger of discomfort, but does not know the relief of transformation. And for this reason it guards us in his own way, without knowing that rather than protecting us, by holding the dark material inside as it is, he is worsening our suffering.
The Hermit perceives all this with his eyes closed, but he cannot yet see. This is already a great achievement. He can enter his darkness with the light of his Consciousness and the clarity of his Inner Knowledge. But there is still much to do, even more. The night is deep, the pitfalls are present. We cannot see the obstacles that stand on the path to the peaks. Yet we must travel that road. Otherwise, we simply do not evolve. Our depths, the anguish, the fears, the painful memories that we do not remember but that are still sedimented in our unconscious in the form of heavy, dark, poisonous energy, come out of our depths attracted by the light of the eclipse. From the encounter between the sun and the inner moon. It is a magnetic attraction, you cannot resist it. But slow. It requires its time. For those who keep this kind of baggage inside themselves, it is the only choice to make. A positive state of being cannot be forced through pure and simple will. There is a need to be in touch with the inner light that is beneath all that slime. I wish I could say that this happens only to a few, I would like to reassure and say that this is the story only of those who have suffered a lot. But how many people are out there carry around a baggage of suffering without acknowledging it? Almost all of human existence lives in this condition. It is necessary to reach the light of the Inner Sun. We must let the eclipse dissolve. Wait for the Moon to make room and reveal the Sun in us in all its splendour and fullness. We must cross the moon. Know the moon. Face its shadow and cold light. And call with all our strength that Inner Light that is our only truth. Now, that for me is true positive thinking. hooking onto the only True thing we have inside. Our Divine spark. So poorly perceived. And from there, think. And then we will no longer have to limit ourselves to positive thinking, because our thoughts will be Divine. It is ironic how we perceive loud and clear an avalanche of falsehoods, like the memories of our lives. But these are just movies. Films that run in front of an old rusty spotlight. And yet, we live them as if they were the real thing. But they are not. They are just the film of an old movie.. Even if it does not yet seem to us to be our only Truth, it will be only that light, that truth that will answer our calls. There no need on calling tempting fabulous but completely mental thoughts about how good, beautiful, acceptable, rich, abundant we would be… The only Truth that will answer us is the Light that we carry within us. The one covered by layers and layers and layers of heavy energies, forgotten in our inner well.
Now, this search does not promise a quick fix like the one promised by the marketing of positive thinking. This is a long road. Painful. Traveled in darkness. A road that we can only cling to with a faith that grows stronger and stronger as we continue to walk the path toward the mountains and then up, up, up, to the top.
It is on the top of those mountains that the Hermit is. There, over there, beyond the towers, right at the top! And there, on the top of the mountain with his lantern lit and his staff of Knowledge. His eyes are closed, his face tilted downward. He is looking at his well. With his eyes closed. He is walking through the lunar eclipse to reach his Sun. He is watching a strange, uncertain animal emerge from the pool, calling to it with calm intensity. He is inviting it to emerge from the dark waters and take the path to him, up there, at the top of the mountain. The night will pass. The sun will emerge. And everything will become clearer. With a blinding clarity. And that strange little animal, half crustacean and half scorpion, once it reaches the top of the mountain will transform into a splendid Golden Eagle.
Dicono: cogli l’attimo! Abbraccia il cielo, il sole, le stelle! Pensa positivo! Ringrazia l’universo! Eppure in quanti ci provavo, ma è come se la mente dovesse obbedire ad un comando? Non ne percepiscono la verità. Dentro si agita ben altro.
Il pensiero positivo esiste. L’atteggiamento positivo esiste. Ma funziona solo quando è sentito come verità. Quando hai dentro di te quel bagliore, quel punto di luce che si espande in tutto e schiarisce tutto. Che riscalda tutto. Ma cosa succede quando dentro di te c’è solo la fredda luce della Luna?
Ognuno di noi si porta dentro un posto, una zona fredda dove vivono antiche memorie che riposano o si agitano nella penombra dell’inconscio.
La luce dell’Eremita rischiara questa notte oscura. Ma non è ancora sufficiente per diffondere calore e chiarezza nelle sue profondità. Ovvero, nel suo inconscio. La Luce che si propaga dalla sua Coscienza è ancora fredda e pallida come quella di un’eclissi parziale. Non è ancora la Potente Luce del Sole.
Eppure l’Eremita non esita ad usare quella pallida luce che ha e che è comunque il frutto di un lungo percorso di crescita, e concentra la propria Coscienza dentro di sé per vedere cosa gli si agita dentro. Memorie passate, vecchie inquietudini, paure sedimentate, rabbie mai processate. Lo fa in maniera equanime, distaccata, paziente. Non fa altro che guardare dentro di sé. Null’altro. E con il semplice atto del guardarsi dentro, le cose si smuovono. Emergono dal pozzo. E, seppur titubanti e incerte, si avviano verso il sentiero della loro trasformazione. Queste a volte tornano indietro, vogliono rituffarsi nella pozza. Impaurite dai pericoli che incontrano sulla strada. In fondo, l’istinto di ognuno di noi ci suggerisce con persistente convinzione che sarebbe meglio non smuovere le acque, che quel che abbiamo dentro, una volta messo fuori ci farà star male. L’istinto percepisce il pericolo del malessere, ma non conosce il sollievo della trasformazione. E per questo ci tutela a suo modo, senza sapere che non ci sta proteggendo ma piuttosto che, col trattenere il materiale oscuro dentro di noi così com’è, sta peggiorando la nostra sofferenza.