Luce de Curte!

The legend tells of a group of little girls who had gone to gather herbs for their grandmothers, as often happened in those villages in the high Italian mountains. The herbs they were looking for could only be picked in the thick woods surrounding the village. That evening, however, the little girls had not noticed that it was getting really late, that the sky was darkening and that it was becoming really dark. How would they get back to the village? They could no longer see anything. The little girls were also afraid. Not only could they no longer see anything, but from afar they could hear the barking of dogs and, perhaps, the wolves! Then all the little girls gathered together and held hands. Then, one of them remembered an old piece of advice from her grandmother, who told her: if you ever find yourself in danger at night, call the Luce de Curte! She will come and give you Light on the road home. The little girl told her friends and together they began to call her. “Luce de Curte. Luce de Curte. Luce de Curte!”. And call call call, at a certain point they saw a Light that, from the Court below, started and went around the valley to them. Arriving at the girls, it placed itself at a height of two or three meters in front of them and gave them light until they returned to the village safe and sound.

This is the legend of the Luce de Curte, which saved young souls lost in the darkness of the forest around Triora, a small village on the Ligurian plateau.



La leggenda racconta di un gruppo di bambine che erano andate a raccogliere le erbe per le loro nonne, come spesso accadeva in quei paesini dell’ alta montagna italiana. Le erbe che cercavano si potevano cogliere solo nel fitto bosco che circondava paese. Quella sera però le bimbe non si erano accorte che si era fatto proprio tardi, che il cielo stava imbrunendo ed che stava diventando proprio buio. Come avrebbero fatto a tornare tornare in paese? Non si vedeva più nulla. Le bambine avevano anche paura. Non solo non si riusciva più a vedere nulla, ma da lontano percepivano il latrare dei cani e, forse, l’usurare dei lupi! Allora tutte le bambine si raccolsero l’una accanto all’altra e si presero per mano. Poi, una di loro si ricordò di un vecchio consiglio della nonna, che le disse: se mai dovessi trovarti in pericolo di notte, chiama la Luce de Curte! Lei arriverà e ti farà Luce sulla strada verso casa. La bimba lo raccontò alle amiche e insieme si misero a chiamarla. “Luce de Curte. Luce de Curte. Luce de Curte!”. E chiama chiama chiama, a un certo punto videro  una Luce che, dalla Corte in basso, partiva e faceva il giro della vallatala fino a loro. Arrivata dalle bambine,  si pose ad un’altezza di due o 3 metri davanti a loro e gli fece luce fino a che sono rientrate in paese sane e salve.

Questa è la leggenda della Luce de Curte, che salvò delle giovani anime perse nel buio della selva attorno a Triora, paesino dell’altipiano della Liguria.

Copyright © 2024 by Francesca Emilia Papale

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Hi I am Francesca, an Italian who since 2013 has been living as a volunteer in that fantastic, complex and exciting experiment called Auroville, an international community located in Tamilnadu, in southern India. I opened this blog, to which the vlog of the same name is linked, because the time has come for me to delve into the art of writing. My dream is to be able to publish those short stories that I have been cultivating inside me for many years but have never yet dared to put on paper. Now I’m ready to give myself this chance and I’m definitely setting out on this new adventure. Would you like to take this journey with me?

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