To do this writing exercise you just have to set your alarm with 1 minute and jump in the writing without hesitation. One word will bring to the next one. And in any case, this is a journey. It doesn’t metter if at the beginning you feel a bit rusty and the results aren’t excellent! What matters is you take the jump and start doing this game every day for a long period of time. You’ll see the results in the long run. We aren’t in any rush, right? The journey is what we savour the most.
B. went out of the house looking for the cat. Not finding it, She went to J.’s door. Which, however, was closed, it being early morning. She then turned her anxious gaze around and stopped to look at some very beautiful flowers. She picked them and, once home, placed them on the altar. Where the cat had dozed off.
B. uscì da casa per cercare il gatto. Non trovandolo, andò alla porta di J. Che però era chiusa, essendo mattina presto. Lei allora girò lo sguardo ansioso intorno e si fermò ad osservare dei fiori molto belli. Li colse e, una volta a casa, li pose sull’altare. Dove si era assopito il gatto.