A very short story from 10 words by Bill Bryson’s Nor Here Neither There – exercise











The Germans, once they reached the temples, could be heard chuckling distinctly even if shuffles in a large indigenous crowd. Their accent was not at all vaguely similar to that of the locals. I thought they had come to see the private interiors of those temples. Then I noticed that one of them, a young man a little paler and emaciated than the others, was holding copies of some tests done in a radiology department. He had come to offer them at the feet of the statues of the local deities. A bit like Catholics do when they go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes.











I tedeschi, una volta arrivati ai templi, si potevano sentire ridacchiare e distintamente anche se rimescolati in una nutrita folla indigena. Il loro accento non era per niente vagamente simile a quello della gente del posto. Credevo fossero venuti per vedere gli interni di quei santuari. Poi mi accorsi che uno di loro, un giovane un po’ più pallido e emaciato degli altri, aveva in mano le copie di alcuni esami fatti in un dipartimento di radiologia. Era venuto ad offrirli ai piedi delle statue delle divinità locali. Un po’ come i cattolici fanno quando vanno in pellegrinaggio a Lourdes.

Copyright © 2024 by Francesca Emilia Papale

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Hi I am Francesca, an Italian who since 2013 has been living as a volunteer in that fantastic, complex and exciting experiment called Auroville, an international community located in Tamilnadu, in southern India. I opened this blog, to which the vlog of the same name is linked, because the time has come for me to delve into the art of writing. My dream is to be able to publish those short stories that I have been cultivating inside me for many years but have never yet dared to put on paper. Now I’m ready to give myself this chance and I’m definitely setting out on this new adventure. Would you like to take this journey with me?

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