Mood, a Julia Cameron exercise

This is an exercise I took from the book the Right to Wright by Giulia Cameron. As usual, she invites the writer to start writing regardless of the mood, inspired or not, in which She finds herself. With this exercise, we learn to write from any starting mood. I chose a recent episode to test […]

King of Cups: quiet amids the tempest

The King of Cups represents the spiritual heart that stands firm and solid, immobile, behind the emotional heart. It symbolizes the Eternal Flame, the King sitting in the depths of my chest. The Soul, to use a clearer connotation. The turbulent emotions that stir hurricanes on the surface of consciousness do not touch him. He […]

Prayer to the Monsoon

Pour down, rain, pour down! Come down abundantly! And take away all the anxieties, worries, pains. Cleanse us from the Evils of the World. Cleanse us from Ignorance and wickedness. There is too much of it on this earth, and we are drowning in it.     Ode al Monsone Scroscia pioggia, scroscia! Vieni giù […]

Fool + 10 wands: so much stress, so little time..

When I started this writing project, the I Just Wanna Write challenge, I was full of enthusiasm. I knew it was a good idea, that I would have liked to go on this adventure and that along the way I would have learned an infinite number of things. About writing, about me, about the people […]

Knight of Pentacles: I need to be practical

I pick up the thread of my writing work after the abrupt interruption of the last few months. I sit at my large desk. Next to it, a cup of steaming tea. A cello concerto by the Frankfurt Orchestra keeps me company. I ponder what to do. Calmly. Now that I can return to writing, […]

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