This is a writing exercise I’ve just made up. It’s a free writing game to put on paper all the why I want to write. Clarifying this will help me to grow consciously towards my writing goal and choose the best exercises for me.
I just wanna write because..
- I really want to free my imagination and see the potentiality of it
- I lived a life rich of very peculiar experiences, that I want to share with the world.
- I’ve always cherished writing
- I get to know myself better
- I need to vent off all the heavy and distorted energies I may have accumulated during the day
- I want to travel through the infinite worlds of my imagination
- I feel lighter and joyful after every writing session
- I believe that there is no ending to our path to self education
- I want to test myself
- I love writing
- I love reading
- I can be totally sincere
- I need it
- Is an old dream that I cultivate from my childhood
- I want to know the different parts of myself and have them dialogue amongts them
- I want to know and solve those part of me that create my problems
- it helps me to know and love Life deeper